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Showing posts from July, 2019

Ride 23 - Beach Access!

Ride 23 - 21 July 2019 Distance 26.7miles (Distance to date 387.9 miles) Time 3hrs 14mins (Time to date 47hrs 56mins) So today's ride will always be remember for one thing.  Not the scenary, not the beach views........the song I had stuck in my head.  You Can Call me Al .   Urgh. If you don't like people, but love deer, 10 mile point at 7:30am if the place for you!  I didn't count, but I easily saw more deer then people for the first hour or so of this ride! 10 mile point isn't the most welcoming area to ride, the houses are big and for the most part they cover the shoreline, but there were loads of little secluded beach access points, the great discovery of this ride.  At 8am they were deserted too, so if you want some solitude and nature, head to ten mile point with your morning coffee! To save you the trouble, here they are! Beach Access   Points of Interest..... Glencoe Cove-Kwatsech Park  (48.48922, -123.30175) T...

Ride 22 - Blind to it all??

Ride 22 - 7 July 2019 Distance 20.2miles (Distance to date 387.9 miles) Time 2hrs 31mins (Time to date 44hrs 42mins) One of two things is true after today's ride: a) I've seen so much of Victoria that I now am blind to all the cool things I see; or b) Urban Saanich is pretty boring Hmmmmmmmmmmm. The ride was pleasant, yet unmemorable.  In 2.5 hrs I only took five photographs, and one of those was the surprise candy I found in my bag!!  Enough said. Surprise Candy, the best kind of candy. Beckwith Water Park is great on a hot day. Points of Interest..... No points of interest

Ride 21 - Commuting to the Start

Ride 21 - 4 July 2019 Distance 29.9 miles (Distance to date 341.0 miles) Time 3hrs 47mins (Time to date 42hrs 11mins) As you can see, this ride had quite a commute to the start line! Took a day off work today.  Spent the morning catching up on some stuff and had the whole afternoon to go out exploring.  It was quite distressing to waste 30mins trying to find my phone holder and then another 10mins fashioning one from electrical tape! Richard Boxhall BEng (Hons) MSc MIMechE CEng Not much to report on this ride, it was a grind!  Did see a romp of baby Otters in the river, but I didn't get a picture, such is life. Get this gnome a Chiropractor, stat This guy is a genius.......for one month of the year Points of Interest..... No points of interest

Ride 20 - Happy Canada Day!!

Ride 20 - 1 July 2019 Distance 23.4 miles (Distance to date 311.1 miles) Time 2hrs 50mins (Time to date 38hrs 24mins) It's Canada Day!!  What better way to celebrate this great nation than exploring every nook and cranny on a crappy green rental bike!? Despite it being CANADA DAY, there wasn't much going on early in the morning, so I felt like I had the roads to myself.  Weather was great too, which has been something we've taken for granted previously in July! Points of Interest..... Jennifer Park   (48.46138, -123.34117) This hidden gem offers panoramic views of Saanich.  Yes, you get better views at Mt Tolmie or Mt Doug, but from Jennifer Park you can see both Mt Tolmie and Mt Doug!  Plus it's tiny and hidden so you're unlikely to be bothered by all 'the people'. I'm struggling to caption this

Ride 19 - New Tactic! Early Starts

Ride 19 - 29 June 2019 Distance 20.8 miles (Distance to date 287.7 miles) Time 2hrs 36mins (Time to date 35hrs 34mins) In the interests of preserving my marriage, I am employing new tactics for my weekend rides.  Starting early!  Sacrificed any sort of (much needed) lie in to get this one in the bank! Once out on the road, the early morning rides are great.  The urban animals (deer and rabbits) are out for their morning grass, the roads are quiet and the morning light adds a special feel to things. Problem Problem Solved Points of Interest..... The Rainbow Fence (48.48345, -123.39923) I found this fence a few days before pride week; surely it was not just painted for  one week!? Brightens the place up The Tree through Roof   (48.49378, -123.39761) A unique feature depicting the intersection of urban development and nature ....or a tree through a roof? Which came first